Large File Upload based on Laravel | 基于Laravel的大文件HTML5分块上传
This solution use AetherUpload-Laravel as core module
When we try to upload a large file to server, the processing time will be much longer, no need to mention problems if the network terminated or cancel by users during uploading. So use HTML slice upload will be a better choice. This blog I will try to build a large file upload solution based on Php Laravel and AetherUpload-Laravel.
大文件上传时,往往需要的处理时间会很长,同时可能会出现用户中途取消,网络断开等问题。使用HTML5的切片上传技术会有效改善大文件上传时的用户体验,基于Php Laravel后端框架和AetherUpload-Laravel这个组件,本文尝试去建立一个覆盖前后端的大文件上传方案。
– AetherUpload-Laravel Github Introduction
- Php Laravel 5.8
- AetherUpload-Laravel 2.0
- UI Framwork: Bootstrap, jasny-bootstrap, Creative-Tim Argon
1. AetherUpload-Laravel Installation
The detail can refer AetherUpload-Laravel github README.
Here I just mention a error when I install it. After I install it follow the instruction, I try to check the function via http://YourHost/aetherupload. But, the uploading show error said can’t process upload. The problem I found is that I still have to build the upload path manually, then rebuild the groups even its the first default group.
chmod -R 755 storage/app/aetherupload
XXX$ php artisan aetherupload:groups
2. Front-end
The css setting will only be reflected if include UI Framworks Bootstrap, jasny-bootstrap, Creative-Tim Argon. JQuery is also needed in the module.
<form ...Your Route config set here...>
<Input ...Other Input...>
<Input ...Other Input...>
<Input ...Other Input...>
<!-- If this part is in edit page I will show the uploaded video, else will show the upload component
The video object I store in database will be like: Video(id, path, screenshot, introduciton, content...) -->
@if($path === '')
<div class="col-xl-6 form-group{{ $errors->has('path') ? ' has-danger' : '' }}" id="aetherupload-wrapper">
<label class="form-control-label">上传视频</label>
<div class="controls">
<div class="fileinput fileinput-new input-group" data-provides="fileinput"
style="box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(50, 50, 93, .15), 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .02);">
<div class="form-control form-control-alternative" data-trigger="fileinput">
<span class="fileinput-filename"></span>
<span class="input-group-append">
<span class="input-group-text btn-file" style="border: 0px;">
<span class="fileinput-new">选择视频</span>
<span class="fileinput-exists">更换视频</span>
<input type="file" id="aetherupload-resource"
<div class="progress " style="height: 6px;margin-bottom: 2px;margin-top: 10px;width: 200px;">
<div class="progress-bar bg-primary" id="aetherupload-progressbar"
style=" background-color:#419DF9!important;"></div>
<span style="font-size:12px;color:#aaa;" id="aetherupload-output"></span>
<input type="hidden" name="path" id="aetherupload-savedpath" value="{{ $path }}">
<!--需要一个自定义名称的id,以及一个自定义名称的name值, 用以标识资源储存路径自动填充位置,默认id为aetherupload-savedpath,可根据setSavedPathField(...)设置为其它任意值-->
<div id="result"></div>
<div class="col-xl-6 form-group">
<video width="500" height="277" controls>
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
<input ...Other Input...>
<input ...Other Input...>
<input ...Other Input...>
<!-- JS Part Code -->
<script src="{{ URL::asset('vendor/aetherupload/js/spark-md5.min.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ URL::asset('vendor/aetherupload/js/aetherupload.js') }}"></script>
// success(someCallback)中声名的回调方法需在此定义,参数someCallback可为任意名称,此方法将会在上传完成后被调用
// 可使用this对象获得resourceName,resourceSize,resourceTempBaseName,resourceExt,groupSubdir,group,savedPath等属性的值
someCallback = function () {
// Example Code
'<p>执行回调 - 文件已上传,原名:<span >' + this.resourceName + '</span> | 大小:<span >' + parseFloat(this
.resourceSize / (1000 * 1000)).toFixed(2) + 'MB' + '</span> | 储存名:<span >' + this.savedPath
.substr(this.savedPath.lastIndexOf('_') + 1) + '</span></p>'
// Allow reupload video 允许再次上传新视频覆盖原有的
$('#aetherupload-resource').attr('disabled', false);
// Update Video info 像后台更新本次上传的视频信息
var video_path = $('#aetherupload-savedpath').val();
var id = $('#video_id').val();
var path = "/admin/videos/" + id + '/path';
type: "put",
url: path,
data: {'path' : video_path},
success: function (data) {
// location.reload();
// toastr.success('Success');
3. Back-end
The update new video function
public function updatePath(Request $request, $id){
$video = Video::find($id);
<!-- Delete the old video first -->
if($video->path !== ''){
$video->path = $request->path;
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->with('message', '更新视频成功');
return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors('更新视频失败');
Other methods may use in other parts:
- 获得已上传资源的访问链接
- (手动)通过请求路由”域名(分布式启用时应当为储存服务器的域名)/aetherupload/display/“+file1 访问file1
- (自动)通过全局帮助方法 aetherupload_display_link(file1) 访问file1
- (自动)通过工具类方法 \AetherUpload\Util::getDisplayLink(file1) 访问file1
- 获得已上传资源的下载链接
- (手动)通过请求路由”域名(分布式启用时应当为储存服务器的域名)/aetherupload/download/“+file1+”/newname” 下载file1
- (自动)通过全局帮助方法 aetherupload_download_link(file1,newname) 下载file1
- (自动)通过工具类方法 \AetherUpload\Util::getDownloadLink(file1,newname) 下载file1
- 删除资源
\AetherUpload\Util::deleteResource($savedPath); //删除对应的资源文件 \AetherUpload\Util::deleteRedisSavedPath($savedPath); //删除对应的redis秒传记录。
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